Sunnyvale Centre Philosophy

We aim to nurture and encourage each child’s thirst for knowledge by providing an exciting environment where they can explore and develop their interests.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is encompassed in our philosophy. Teachers, children and their families/whānau come from a variety of cultural backgrounds with a variety of languages spoken at home. As teachers, we respect and value our children's unique family culture and language through the spoken word and our daily routines (karakia, waiata and music); our environment (materials for displays, dress-ups, instruments and natural resources); and our curriculum planning. We are constantly working and reflecting on this through our training.

In our 0-2 room we are largely inspired by the principles of Magda Gerber’s Educaring® approach/RIE and Pikler and operate under the guidelines of the New Zealand early childhood curriculum - Te Whāriki.

The principles of Magda Gerber’s Educaring® Approach/RIE and the Pikler philosophy are that the focus is on the child.

Happy kids values the importance of relationships and builds on respectful interactions between children and educators. The focus of Te Whāriki is also on the child and how we value the different relationships children can learn from as they grow and develop.

Together Te Whāriki, Pikler and Magda Gerber’s Educaring® Approach/RIE create a curriculum with an emphasis on education and care.

The over two’s while still being inspired by the RIE and Pikler approach, will also be practicing some of the Reggio philosophy. It allows young children the chance to participate in decisions regarding their own education, places an emphasis upon self-expression, cooperation within the community, creativity, and a respect for the natural world. Our environmental approach to integrating subject matter into the curriculum aides in a true understanding and teaches children respect for our earth. As a result, the Reggio Emilia approach provides the following values:

  • Reinforces critical thinking and true comprehension so that the children actually understand what they are learning, and can apply it to the real world.
  • Children learn best through hands on approach, therefore, it enables children to explore their environment and express themselves through movement, drawing, painting, reading, writing, building, sculpting, shadow play, collage, drama play, and music among many other communicative and cognitive means.
  • Children are not rushed from one activity to the next, instead encouraged to repeat key experiences, delve further into subject matter, continue multiple observations, consider and reconsider, represent and re-represent.
  • Allows for a more gradual pace and more comprehensive approach enabling children to remember what they learn and form a firm knowledge base that facilitates learning in later schooling.
  • Ensures students work at their appropriate developmental levels which:
    • Increases pace of learning
    • Decreases frustration
    • Promotes higher level thinking that is essential to mastering mandated core curriculum standards.
    • Motivates children’s interests and involvement.
    • Facilitates the delivery of a well-balanced curriculum, which prepares students for higher levels of education

If your child is joining us in the nursery they will experience primary care giving.

A permanent teacher will be appointed to the role of ‘key teacher” for your family. The responsibilities of this role include leading the induction visit, being the key person involved in the settling of your child, communicating the needs and preferences of your child to other staff members, liaising with you during the settling process and overseeing the setup of a learning records profile. As your child becomes familiar with center routines and more comfortable in the Centre environment, other staff members will play an increasing role in your child’s care.

We have chosen to have primary caregivers/key teachers as we believe this offers a greater sense of security for children. You may find that the relationship you build with your key teacher during your child’s initial weeks carries through to a preference for communication, however, all of our teachers will be happy to assist you.

We aim to nurture and encourage each child’s thirst for knowledge by providing an exciting environment where they can explore and develop their interests. This results in children becoming confident and competent learners.

Our programme offers a variety of activities which cover a range of curriculum areas including puzzles, blocks, manipulative play, art, music, family play, books, playdough, sand and water play. We offer a balance of structured and free play period throughout the day.

Our daily programme provides opportunities for child initiated learning where children are encouraged to actively explore and experiment within the centre-environment – both indoors and outdoors.

In addition there are times where the children gather in small groups to engage in projects or teacher led activities. These “group times” provide opportunities for the children to experience success through developmentally appropriate activities. Our “four year old mat times” are specifically aimed at preparing your child for school.

We aim to ensure all children are ready for school. This is achieved through working with local primary schools and a variety of organisations within our community to ensure our children are comfortable within a school environment. Along with various programs such as lunch box day, your children’s teachers will work towards setting your child up to achieve and become lifelong learners.

We will also have further information on transitions to school that is provided to parents in the over threes room.